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Coming in like a Lion.... Here we go 2022

Happy 2022!!! Please follow us as we try to offer some monthly advise. Our goal is to be informative on issues we are tackling at the clinic, for our livestock producers and our companion animal lovers.

First off.... sickness is running rampant in our area... for the humans. If you are quarantining for COVID or if you don't feel well, please do not come into our clinic, we are happy to provide curb-side or reschedule. Since Christmas, we have had lots of Covid exposures and sick staff (or staff's family), with all the normal winter bugs, plus Covid! If you are home sick from work, please stay home!!!! And please be understanding when we are short staffed, we are trying our best to take care of our families and keep our clients safe.

Large animal:

-Some of our cow/calf producers are gearing up for calving. Things to remember when calving... Calves need colostrum!!!!!! The sooner the better!!! Calves are born with a naive immune system, they rely on quality colostrum, being absorbed in the first 24 hours after birth. It is called failure of passive transfer, when this isn't achieved. These calves are most likely going to show up with naval infections or swollen joints in the coming days, and are very hard to manage.

-The next hurdle is that 7-14 days where they are most susceptible to Rotavirus, Coronavirus, E.coli and Clostridium perfringens. These all affect the GI system. Vaccinating cows, late in pregnancy, with ScourBos, PilliShield or other 'scour vaccines' is the first step to preventing. Other products are available to give calves at birth. A couple we carry include, First Defense boluses and calf guard. Clostridial disease can be treated with Penicillin, oxytetracycline, or C+D antitoxin. Any calves that are sluggish, with diarrhea, need supportive care. Our favorite electrolytes are hydralyte and replenish. These should be administered in between milk feedings, not in replacement of. The electrolytes help correct acidosis, but they do not provide fat, for energy. These calves also need to be warm! Calving areas need to be clean, dry and not overcrowded. The environment becomes more contaminated as the process continues. Also, pneumonia can be an issue, with changes in air moisture, overcrowding and battling the elements. There are intranasal vaccines that are safe for newborn calves, that treat against the Respiratory bugs... Inforce 3 and Nasalgen are comparable in their coverage (IBR, BRSV, PI3). Nasalgen PMH is relatively new, with bacterial coverage as well (Mannheimia Heamolytica-Pasterella Multocida). Protocols are tailored to each farm, but generally recommend an intranasal Respiratory vaccine and an Clostridial perfringens vaccine in the first week of life.

-Swine. Make sure barns are ready for this weather. Malfunctioning equipment needs to be addressed, ASAP. Double checking heaters, feed and water lines is a must. We are also unfortunately seeing some antibiotic shortages, currently tetracycline powders are very hard to get... bare with us as we come up with other options.

-Sheep producers are also getting busy with babies! Just a reminder, if you happen to be pregnant and spending time in the lambing barns, take precautions. Sheep spread zoonotic diseases in fetal fluids and membranes that can also be aerosolized. Chlamydia, toxoplasmosis and Q fever are a few to consider. If possible, sit out the lambing process. If not, take precautions, like gloves and masking when helping lamb.

Small Animal:

-Please be patient... the pet population has increased an estimated 30% over the pandemic. Our surgeries are scheduled 6-8 weeks out. Vaccine and wellness appointments are scheduled 2 weeks out. If your pet is going to a kennel, PLAN AHEAD!!!! The dog that is given its kennel cough vaccine, hours before arriving at a kennel, has NO protection! The vaccines need to be administered at least 2 weeks prior to exposure to be effective.

-The other unfortunate sequel to the last years pet explosion… shelters are already filling back up! Please remember, a pet is a long term commitment. Puppies and kittens turn into dogs and cats, and need vaccines, medications, surgeries, food…. Make sure you are prepared for the financial responsibility. Also make sure you have the time, for exercise, play, and discipline…. The cute 10lb puppy with no manners, can easily grow into a very naughty 60lb dog that is unmanageable by you and our staff. They need boundaries, just like children and we don't want annual visits to be stressful for you, your pet, or us! If you decide you don't have enough time to dedicate to a pet, you can still stop and see us... we have Aloe plants for sale!! ;)

Stay warm, stay healthy!!!

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